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GENERATOR SETS Our efficiency. Your edge.

POWERTRAIN TECHNOLOGIES Our efficiency. Your edge.

FPT Power Generation Index 2 FPT Power Generation Index 3

Power Generation Power Generation

FPT Power Generation Introduction 6 FPT Power Generation Introduction 7 You need power, delivered quickly and reliably. FPT Industrial is there to answer your needs. Our new range of state-of-the-art engines covers all power generation applications. Performance Excellent transient load response. High performance guaranteed in all conditions. High engine power density. Respect for the Environment Compliance with the most stringent Emissions legislations. Low noise levels. Running Costs Reduction Low oil and fuel consumption. Best in class maintenance intervals. Low running costs in…

Power Generation Introduction 9 Power Generation Introduction 9 Our reliable power generation systems improve efficiency and boost business performance.

Power Generation Generator Sets Power Generation Generator Sets

FPT Generator Sets Open Gensets 12 Generator Sets Open Gensets OPEN GENSETS From 30 to 400 kVA Transportability Compact layout. Refueling Operations Maintenance Integrated fuel tank. Easy access for Compactness Manual or Automatic control panel

FPT Generator Sets Open Gensets 14 FPT Generator Sets 15 Open Gensets Our open gensets range boasts a compact layout. The sets are built to satisfy demanding performance standards, using only high-quality components. Easy, inexpensive maintenance is an additional strong point. These products are best-in-class for oil and filters change intervals. FPT Industrial’s sets in this range are powered by low-emission engines. The engines use advanced solutions to optimize thermodynamic performance: this improves the load response and reduces the fuel consumption. FPT Generator Sets Open Gensets 14…

Generator Sets Open Gensets Generator Sets Open Gensets 17 Engine SpecificationsNOT REGULATED EMISSIONS Power kVA1 Open range – 30 to 400 kVA Engine specification Dimension (mm) G-Drive CYL/AIR Intake Injection System Diplacement Liters Emissions Air Intake NA Naturally Aspirated TAA Turbocharged Aftercooler T C Turbocharged Injection System M Mechanical ECR Electronic Common Rail EUI Electronic Unit Injector conditions. Power factor 0,8 2. Dry weight with standard accessories (may change depending on alternator type) UR Unregulated Prime Power Maximum power available with varying loads for…

Generator Sets Open Gensets Key Advantages Reliability Compact layout and high quality level of components. Customization Manual or automatic control panel. 3P or 4P circuit breaker availability Automatic Transfer Switch (available as option). Maintenance & Serviceability Best in class for oil and filters change intervals (600 hours). Easy access for maintenance operations. Environmental Care Powered by low Emissions engines. Flexibility Integrated Fuel Tank (F5 series: 80 lt; NEF series: 180 lt; CURSOR series: 500 lt). Air Handling Turbocharged with air-to-air charge cooled air system with…

Generator Sets SP Gensets Generator Sets SP Gensets SOUND PROOFED GENSETS From 30 to 500 kVA Transportability Significant improvement in terms of maneuverability. Refueling Operations Easy way to fill up the fuel tank. Maintenance Low maintenance needs and running costs ensured by best-in-class oil change interval of up to 800h. Noise Reduction Reduced environ mental impact, low vibrations and noise levels.

FPT Generator Sets SP GENSETS 23 FPT Industrial’s soundproofed gensets are highly transportable and maneuverable. They can be moved by forklift or crane. Wide doors give full access to the engines and parts, making day maintenance easier. Best-in-class oil change intervals mean lower running costs. Refueling is now simpler and more efficient. The new design and the special components used by FPT Industrial bring a significant reduction in noise levels as well as vibrations. Low vibrations help cut down energy transfer to building structures, but also mean longer lasting gensets.

Generator Sets SPGENSETS 24 FPT Generator Sets SP GENSETS 25 Engine SpecificationsNOT REGULATED EMISSIONS Power kVA1 Standards Soundproofed range – 30 TO 500 kVA Engine specification Air Intake NA Naturally Aspirated TAA Turbocharged Aftercooler T C Turbocharged Injection System M Mechanical ECR Electronic Common Rail EUI Electronic Unit Injector 1. Performance according to ISO 8528 conditions. Power factor 0,8 UR Unregulated UR1 Previously EU Stage II Prime Power Maximum power available with varying loads for an unlimited number of hours. The average power output during a 24 h period of…

Generator Sets Transportability Significant improvement in terms of maneuverability: thanks to dedicated slots in the lower part of the frame and lifting hooks on the top, it’s possible to move the genset either by forklift or using a crane. The single lift hook, in rental version, contributes to further increase of handiness and safety transportation of the genset. Maintenance Low maintenance needs and running costs are ensured by best-in-class oil change interval of up to 800h. All day maintenance requirements can be easily performed thanks to wide doors giving full access to the engine…

Generator Sets Generator Sets MRS72 Manual Control Panel with Remote Start • Start up and shut down keys through an external signal. START • Engine and alternator parameters monitoring. • “Manual” and “Super-manual” operational modes. • Storage of last 250 events. OPTICAL INTERFACE REMOTE START MANUAL CONTROLLER • Multilingual diagnostic software (Italian, English, French and Spanish). • PC and/or on site (through optical key) programming. • Battery charger to ensure correct battery efficiency and command/ control system alimentat

Generator Sets AMF74 Automatic Control Panel Automatic start up when the voltage of the main electrical network changes from a predefined value (programmable). Automatic insertion as main source of electrical energy as the working parameters are reached. Automatic disengagement once the nominal voltage of the main electrical network is reached. Programmable slow shut down to allow the engine cooling gradually. Engine and alternator parameters monitoring. • “Manual”, “Automatic”, “Test” and “Super-manual“ operational modes. • Storage of last 250 events. • Multilingual diagnostic software…